
It has to be said today was hardly the most exciting day ever but you know in light of the last few weeks that is rather good.

So given there is so little to write about today, I mean a trip to Cheeky Chimps with a friend and her granddaughter followed by a visit to Tesco hot on the heels of a walk in the autumn sunshine to retrieve my car from its ‘stop over’ outside another friends house, to avoid the whole parking ticket issue which I try to avoid at all cost, hardly makes for riveting reading really does it? So I thought I would share a few points I had intended to share last night but I’m not sure if it was the late hour at which I was writing or merely the large quantity of alcohol I had consumed prior to my writing, which had cause me to omit these thoughts in my last address.

Sitting in the bar last night watching, as I often do the hustle and bustle surrounding me I  notice something I hadn’t really noticed before. Books! It might and there again it might not help to know where this bar was. Didsbury, a lovely leafy suburb of South Manchester. An area populated by the intellectual, reasonably wealthy but more importantly I think is that the people of this lovely neighbourhood consider themselves well read. This I must point out is the way I see things. It doesn’t mean I’m right. But it’s how I see it. I kind of feel in a good well placed position to make this asumption. A little background information may help… As I child I grew up in a neighbouring neighbourhood, I often almost daily took a walk into Didsbury, its a pretty village the shop keepers were polite they talk to you like you mattered, I like that. Mind you mostly I looked in the shops. On Sundays I walked past the sports fields where its occupants played football or Lacrosse in the autum, a sport I later took to or Cricket in the warmer summer months. I looked on from the outside. I listened to conversations I smiled at dog walkers in the park. I knew for a long time this was a place I like. Somehow, I’m not even sure how or why but it was always clear the people here were clever. They knew stuff.

So as I sit in here looking around at well everyone everything I am almost shocked that I hadn’t notice this before. There are books in the Fletcher Moss,  books in The Station so I wondered if there are books in the other pubs in the growing cosmopolitan village South of the city, a stone’s throw from the University where some of the most intellectual educated people live, so I have decided, in the name of research I shall investigate this further. I will get back to you as I pursue my research in pursuit of an answer to my query.

Some might say pub were founded on reading mostly news papers back in the day when the average working man couldn’t afford to buy a news paper to take home and read in the comfort of his own home, I read that somewhere. Actually it was something that was discussed once in one of my classes at university, although I can’t remember which class but I remember being quite intrigued by this. Somehow this had pass me by in history class. Mind you all had passed me by in history class and not just history class. It would be fair to say a lot pass me by during my school days to busy getting through the days.

Another day is done and the hour is certainly getting late so until I return, hopefully with some sort of answer to my random books in pubs thought I bid you farewell. x

About angejay18

I am 40 yrs old and i think could be going through a mid life crisis... but i'm not sure. I enjoy writing and am in the process of publishing my 2nd book
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